Why CNCF Landscape Matters (2018)

Stéphane Beuret
2 min readNov 12, 2020

I grant you, “Cloud Native” has something of a buzzword, but there is still a reality behind all that. A Cloud Native application leverages and takes advantage of Cloud features. And today, a native Cloud application likely to be cut into microservices, that these microservices turn in containers, and that these containers are orchestrated by Kubernetes.

But who has looked at these technologies in recent years is well aware of how fast they are evolving, which makes the technology watch even more relevant, but also more complicated, much more complicated. Indeed, where to find these new projects, how to follow them, how to evaluate their degree of maturity, is it time to adopt them to solve our production problems?

On these questions, an element of answer is the landscape of the CNCF. Because on the one hand it lists many of these projects by theme (whether these are open source or commercial projects), and that on the other hand it hosts and nuture some of these projects. But do not put the cart before the horse, maybe you do not know the CNCF yet.

The CNCF was born on 21st July 2015 from a partnership between Google and the Linux Foundation around the first public release of Kubernetes. Since then, many projects have integrated it: Prometheus, CoreDNS, Containerd, Fluend, GRPC, CNI, etc … Do not hesitate to get an idea by visiting the CNCF Github:


Also, if you’ve just landed in the wonderful world of containerization and need native cloud components to manage your applications, look here, it’s a great start:

  • Prometheus : monitoring
  • Notary, Tuf : security
  • Fluend : logging
  • Opentracing, Jaegger : Tracing
  • GRPC, Envoy, Linkerd : service mesh

And others, the list is long, but to put you in the mouth, the latest comers are Rook (cloud native storage) and Vitess (distributed MySQL)!

A few days ago, I also came across the brand new CNCF landscape around serverless technologies:


I think there are still many beautiful things to come! Stay informed!

And for those who are in Luxembourg on June 22nd for the VoxxedDays, we are doing a technical talk on Rook, so do not hesitate to come see us!

